2017 Partner List

42u data center solution list vendor partners

With the new year comes new opportunities. We are proud to share our growing list of partners and vendors. Our vendor and technology agnostic approach leverages our expertise in monitoring, airflow analysis, power, measurement, cooling, and best-of-breed efficiency technologies to help data center managers maximize uptime, improve energy efficiency and subsequently lower their CAPEX and

Raritan Dominion KX III Firmware Release 3.4 Released!

raritan dominion KX III firmware 3.4 update available

Our friends at Raritan have notified us and the world of their new Firmware Release 3.4 for the Dominion KX III. With this release, you can enjoy Java-free KVM-over-IP access on all platforms and the ability to manage up to 8 serial devices with our new Dominion Serial Access Modules that will be available in

Server Technology Wins Manufacturing Excellence Award

Server Technology Manufacturing Award 2016

Congratulations Server Tech for their continued excellence in manufacturing and top notch customer service. We are proud to be one of their long standing Gold partners! Server Technology Delivers Insight with Intelligent PDUS Stay Powered. Be Supported. Get Ahead. Server Technology Wins Large Company Manufacturing Excellence Award at the 5th Annual EDAWN Existing Industry Awards

The PUE Metric

PUE Measurement Levels

What is PUE? PUE (power usage effectiveness) is a measure of how efficiently a data center uses energy and how much is being used by the equipment. It is the ratio of total facilities energy (UPS systems, switchgear, generators, equipment, etc.) to IT equipment energy (storage, network equipment, KVM switches, monitors, etc.). Data center power

The Latest from Avocent and Liebert on “ShellShock”

ShellShock, or Bash Bug, is a nickname for the bug in the Bash (Bourne-again Shell) command line interpreter, also known as a shell. Bash is software that has been around since 1989 and is used to control the command prompt on a variety of Unix-based systems, including Linux and Mac OS X, basically telling your

5 Steps to a Greener Data Center

42U recently released an article on five steps to a more efficient data center.  While new super efficient green data centers grab all the headlines, older data centers and server rooms can benefit from efficiency gains too by paying attention to a couple of critical areas. Data Center Infrastructure – inspect and replace legacy data

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