Address the Biggest Problems Facing Modern Grow Rooms
by Controlling the Environments
to Prevent Lost Crops & Maximize Investment.
Features & Benefits of the STULZ Medicinal Cannabis Environmental Control Solution
Maximize Crop Yield
Advanced environmental control units maintain tight control of temperature, humidity, and CO2 content.
Prevent the Formation of White Mold
Deeper coil for enhanced dehumidification capabilities and tight moisture content control.
Eliminate Relative Humidity Spikes during Lights Off Cycles
Special dehumidifier controls set coil temperatures low while reducing the air flow rate to maximize moisture removal.
Prevent Pollen Contamination
A growing pod pressure control system helps prevent pollen contamination that may lead to hermaphrodite plants.
Pest Control
Integral UV lighting eliminates biological threats.
CO2 Augmentation
CO2 monitoring, alarm, and control with integral supply nozzle in the air stream.
Corporate Identity
custom unit paint colors.
Advanced Dehumidification Highlight
Deeper coils and drain pans are specifically designed to aid in the removal of moisture from the grow space. STULZ’s proprietary coil temperature control system lowers the temperature of the coil to just above freezing for short periods of time to rapidly reduce the moisture content in the space. This helps prevent the formation of white mold.

Maximize your Environmental Conditions
using these Stulz solutions: