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Remote Power Management Software for Data Centers


When data centers and power are mentioned together, the discussion involves enormous numbers: 70 billion kilowatt-hours consumed in 2016, though that number is starting to level out.

Today, the message is everywhere, championed by manufacturers and users alike. Organizations are realizing that not only is power mission-critical to data center operation; it’s also a significant expense and a limited resource. It must be managed, tracked, and logged. It’s something for which a data center operation must be held accountable.

There are several best-in-class software products that make this vision a reality. Power management software promotes accountability, efficiency, and availability throughout an entire data center organization.


Remote Power Management Capabilities

Power Management software allows data center professionals to optimize their power utilization by looking at one of the most energy intensive components in the data center: the IT load.

Power Trending

Trace consumption patterns globally (an entire data center) and locally (a specific rack) to find room for improvement and potential savings.


Generate custom reports to inform business units of power consumption and to encourage efficiency.

Capacity Planning

Monitor and measure key power data to plan for moves, adds, and changes.

Load Calculations

Compare nameplate readings and production values to improve future planning.

Remote Control

Turn off outlets, assign user rights, reboot servers.

Efficiency Metrics

Aggregate data to calculate PUE and DCiE and to stress ongoing improvements.

The software packages can also incorporate environmental monitoring. Through sensors installed on rack PDUs, users can access the temperature and humidity levels for each individual rack.

Important Power Management Considerations

Remote Power Management software is only applicable to monitored, switched, and outlet-level rack PDUs – models that are IP addressable. Basic PDUs and metered PDUs lack network connectivity and cannot be integrated with this software.

In addition, the accessibility varies by manufacturer. One package, for instance, can manage various Rack PDU brands. Another package is proprietary, meaning the management abilities are restricted to its own PDUs.

The 42U Advantage

Throughout our 25 year history, 42U has mastered rack power management and distribution. We can sell, specify, and support a turnkey product and management solution. Please contact us to start your power project today at 1-800-638-2638.

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