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42U Webinar: Energy Efficiency Best Practices

Electricity expense has become an increasingly important factor of the total cost of ownership (TCO) for data centers. Energy consumption of typical data centers can be substantially reduced through design of the physical infrastructure and IT architecture. Electrical power usage is not currently a typical design criterion for data centers. Historically, it has also been

Power Strategies for Data Center Efficiency

In a survey conducted by the Uptime Institute, enterprise data center managers responded that 42% of them expected to run out of power capacity within 12-24 months and another 23% claimed that they would run out of power capacity in 24-60 months. Greater attention to energy efficiency and consumption is critical. In this presentation Steve

Data Center Cooling Strategies

Data center cooling is a hot topic. When you consider the challenges of cooling the latest generation servers, growing cost of infrastructure equipment, and ever growing concern around energy efficiency, it’s easy to understand the focus. Topics Covered: Best Practice Data Center Cooling Approaches Available Cooling Technologies Available Cooling Systems

Enclosure Strategies for Efficiency

Historically, Data Center managers didn’t invest much thought in their deployment of server racks beyond basic functionality, air flow, and the initial cost of the rack itself. Today, the widespread deployment of high-density configurations is causing major hot spot concerns and capacity issues. These factors, along with the high cost of power, require a sound

Data Center Measurement – Building An ROI Baseline

Establishing a baseline measurement of your data center is an important first step in developing a meaningful ROI for any data center project. The cost of energy has recently exceeded the cost of IT equipment; understanding your energy footprint in terms of power consumption and cooling demand has become an important management tool. Measuring and

Chill Off Revisited

Accenture reported on an event hosted by Sun Microsystems assessing four energy-efficient modular, scalable server rack cooling systems for data centers. During this “Chill-Off”, the four solutions were evaluated under a range of conditions reflecting different inlet air temperatures and server loads, and for the appropriate systems, elevated chilled water temperatures. The rack density measured

Avocent DSView 3 Upgrades to 3.6

Avocent DSView 3

Managing your data center has just become easier! The new DSView 3 includes benefits ranging from labor-saving features such as consolidated access of physical and virtual servers, integrated virtual machine and power management support, and myriad out-of-band hardware support options…all in ONE tool. Dan Baxter, Senior Sales Engineer for Avocent, reviews the new features and

ENERGY STAR for Data Centers

Energy use in data centers is increasing rapidly. In 2006, energy consumption to operate IT equipment and data center facilities represented 61 billion kWh or approximately $6 billion in annual expenditures. This accounts for 1.5% of total U.S. electricity consumption and is projected to increase to 100 billion kWh by 2011. To assist data center

Optimizing your IT Infrastructure

In a recent survey by the Uptime Institute, 42% of enterprise data center managers reported that they would run out of power capacity within 24 months. This statistic isn’t surprising when you consider that today’s IT hardware requires more power-distribution air conditioning and UPS capacity than in the past. What steps is your data center