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Determine how much you can save by improving data center efficiency.
Learn how to calculate your PUE & DCiE. Interactive calculator powered by www.42U.com

Current Efficiency Level & Goal

Adjust the scale to reflect your Current PUE & PUE Goal. You may use DCiE instead.

Current Efficiency Level (PUE = ) Efficiency Goal (PUE = )
Select Your Country: Select your State: Cost per kWh: *
Energy Consumed Per Hour Current Efficiency Level Efficiency Goal
Enter Total IT Load 4,000 kW * kW
Total Facility Load kW kW

Current Energy Output

Current Efficiency Level Efficiency Goal
Electricity used per Year
Annual Power Cost
Annual Carbon Footprint

Annual Data Center Efficiency Savings

Reduction In Kilowatts of Electricity Electricity Costs CO2 Emissions Equivalent To
1 Year
5 Years
10 Years